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Computing the ISIN checksum in Excel

Julian D. A. Wiseman

Contents: Publication history; Introduction; The Code

Publication history: only at Usual disclaimer and copyright terms apply.


To facilitate settlement and hence trading of securities, each security has a unique identifying code. There are several types of identifying code, the one that is used internationally being the ISIN, or International Securities Identifying Number. Every security in almost every country has an ISIN (possibly excepting Colombia, whose government bonds—uniquely—appear to lack an ISIN). The structure of an ISIN is defined in ISO 6166, and the algorithm is described by Wikipedia. Defined below is an Excel VBA function LastDigitISIN(ElevenChars As String) As String that returns the last digit of an ISIN given the first eleven.

UK securities also have a SEDOL number, also defined in Wikipedia. The function LastDigitSEDOL(SixChars As String) As String returns the last digit given the first ≤6 characters. If the input is shorter than six characters it is left-padded with zeroes.

ISINs of UK securities are typically made by prefixing the SEDOL with “GB00” (and perhaps with “IE00” for Irish securities) and suffixing with the ISIN checksum. ISINfromSEDOL6(CountryCode As String, SixChars As String) As String computes the ISIN given the first six characters of the SEDOL.

The code was written for Microsoft Excel, though should work in Access if prefixed with a line “Attribute VB_Name = "modIsin"”. The original was © Julian D. A. Wiseman 2006 and 2007, though in 2009 was modified by Patrick Honorez of, primarily to replace Excel-specific code with more general code and to add the function IsIsin, and then further modified by Julian D. A. Wiseman. It may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

Occasionally kCountries3166 will need to be extended.

The Code

Option Explicit


' Given the first eleven characters of an ISIN, this calculates the twelfth character, the checksum.
' © Julian D. A. Wiseman 2006 to 2009; parts, including some de-Excel-isation, by and © Patrick Honorez of 
' Believed correct. If it doesn’t always work then tough—it is free.
' Latest version available via

Public Function IsIsin(ByVal strIsin As Variant, Optional strCountries As String = kCountries3166) As Boolean
' Added by Patrick Honorez of
' Returns True if string looks like a valid ISIN, False otherwise
' Parameters: strIsin     :   ISIN to check, as a string (Null accepted)
'             strCountries:   optional list of countries. If not provided, default list will be used.
'                             if provided with empty string, this check will be bypassed
' Note: some checks are redundant, but are there for speed.
	Const kIsinLike = "[A-Z][A-Z]?????????[0-9]"
	Dim strCheck As String
	If IsNull(strIsin) Then Exit Function             ' Null values
	If Len(strIsin) <> 12 Then Exit Function          ' Will return False
	If Not strIsin Like kIsinLike Then Exit Function  ' Will return False
	If Len(strCountries) > 0 Then                     ' Test country code ?
		If InStr(1, strCountries, Left(strIsin, 2)) = 0 Then Exit Function
	End If  ' Len(strCountries) > 0
	strCheck = LastDigitISIN(Left(strIsin, 11))       ' Check digit
	If Not strCheck Like "[0-9]" Then Exit Function   ' LastDigitIsin returned an error
	If Right(strIsin, 1) = strCheck Then IsIsin = True
End Function  ' IsIsin

Public Function LastDigitISIN(ElevenChars As String) As String
	Dim i As Integer, CheckSumDigits As String, TotalScore As Integer, Char As String
	If Len(ElevenChars) <> 11 Then
		LastDigitISIN = "L"  ' Length error
		Exit Function
	End If  ' Len(ElevenChars) <> 11
	CheckSumDigits = ""
	For i = 1 To 11
		Char = UCase(Mid(ElevenChars, i, 1))
		If Char >= "0" And Char <= "9" Then
			CheckSumDigits = CheckSumDigits & Char
		ElseIf Char >= "A" And Char <= "Z" Then
			CheckSumDigits = CheckSumDigits & (10 + Asc(Char) - Asc("A"))
			LastDigitISIN = "C"  ' Character error
			Exit Function
		End If
	Next i
	TotalScore = 0
	For i = 1 To Len(CheckSumDigits)
		If (i + Len(CheckSumDigits)) Mod 2 Then
			TotalScore = TotalScore + Val(Mid(CheckSumDigits, i, 1))
			TotalScore = TotalScore + Choose(1 + Val(Mid(CheckSumDigits, i, 1)), 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9)
		End If  ' 0 = (i + Len(CheckSumDigits)) Mod 2
	Next i
	LastDigitISIN = Format((130 - TotalScore) Mod 10, "0")
End Function  ' LastDigitISIN(ElevenChars As String) As String

Public Function LastDigitSEDOL(SixChars As String) As String  ' SixChars front padded with zeroes
	Dim i As Integer, Char As String, Multiplier As Integer, TotalScore As Integer
	If Len(SixChars) > 6 Then
		LastDigitSEDOL = "L"  ' Length error
		Exit Function
	End If  ' Len(SixChars) > 6
	For i = 1 To Len(SixChars)
		Multiplier = Choose(i + 6 - Len(SixChars), 1, 3, 1, 7, 3, 9)
		Char = UCase(Mid(SixChars, i, 1))
		If Char >= "0" And Char <= "9" Then
			TotalScore = TotalScore + Char * Multiplier
		ElseIf Char >= "A" And Char <= "Z" Then
			TotalScore = TotalScore + (10 + Asc(Char) - Asc("A")) * Multiplier
			LastDigitSEDOL = "C"  ' Character error
			Exit Function
		End If
	Next i
	LastDigitSEDOL = (870 - TotalScore) Mod 10
End Function  ' LastDigitSEDOL(SixChars As String) As String

Public Function ISINfromSEDOL6(CountryCode As String, SixChars As String) As String
	ISINfromSEDOL6 = CountryCode & "00" _
		& String("0", 6 - Len(SixChars)) & SixChars & LastDigitSEDOL(SixChars)
End Function  ' ISINfromSEDOL6(CountryCode3166 As String, SixChars As String) As String

Julian D. A. Wiseman

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